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Sunday 20 March 2011

Made for Europe. March 2011

On Friday, the 18th of March 2011, the Romanian “Ethno treasure hunt” team participated in the regional stage of the national contest “ Made for Europe”. The Romanian team of students and teachers presented the product calle(“Ethno treasure chest”),, which is the result of our collaborartion with our partners from Poland, Turkey, Lithuania, Italy and Bulgaria. The participants at this dissemination activity were: Mrs. Ligia Durus, representing the Commission from the School Inspectorate, Mrs. Adina Cosma, the school headmistress, students from grades 5A and 7 A and the teachers involved in the project.
Up to now, the “Ethno treasure chest” contains the project website, which presents our project, the international team and the materials produced by the students and teachers; the blog , which is our diary, our Facebook group, where students and teachers meet to communicate on a regular basis, the colouring book and card game called “Ethno treasure hunt – Traditional costumes around Europe”, which presents the traditional costumes that the children researched and drew and which will be used in intercultural classes  for art, languages and other school subjects.
The Romanian teachers who coordinated the students’ work on the book and card game are: Daniela Buda, the European coordinator of the project, Octavian Pop, Marcela Pop and  Marcela Zaplac, who worked with the Romanian students to make these products and ensured their desktop publishing. They collaborated with the teachers from the partner schools to make these products.
Dan Cont, from grade 7 A presented our products on this occasion in front of the Commission and the public who came to support us.
Whatever the results of the selection made by the School Inspectorate Commission fpr the participation in the national stage of the competition, we, students and teachers, believe that we have won through what we learnt and the experiences we had working as a team on the project. We improved our skills in team work, in communication in mother and foreign languages, in using ICT; we learnt a lot of interesting things about the traditions and customs from Romania and from the partner countries, we made good friends.

Romanian version:

Vineri, 18 martie 2011, echipa de proiect Comenius “Ethno treasure hunt” de la Scoala cu cls. I-VIII  “Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare a participat la faza judeteana a concursului national “Made for Europe”. Elevii si profesorii din echipa romana a proiectului au prezentat “Cufarul cu comori ethno” (“Ethno treasure chest”), la care lucreaza in colaborare cu partenerii din Polonia,Turcia, Lithuania, Italia si Bulgaria. La activitate au participat: din partea Inspectoratului Scolar al Judetului Maramures d-na Ligia Durus, din partea scolii: d-na Director Adina Cosma, elevii claselor 5A si 7A si profesorii implicati in proiect.
Pana in prezent, “Cufarul cu comori ethno” contine website-ul , care prezinta proiectul, echipa internationala, materialele realizate de elevi si profesori, blogul proiectului, care e un jurnal al activitatilor proiectului,  grupul de pe Facebook, unde se intalnesc elevii si profesorii pentru a comunica periodic; Cartea de colorat si jocul de carti “Ethno treasure hunt – Costume traditionale din Europa” (“Ethno treasure hunt – Traditional costumes around Europe”) , care prezinta costumele populare din tarile partenere, pe care elevii le-au cercetat si desenat, si care vor fi folosite la lectii interculturale de arta, consiliere (dirigintie), limbi straine, etc.
Profesorii romani care au coordonat munca elevilor pentru realizarea acestor produse, pana acum,  sunt: Daniela Buda, coordonatorul european al proiectului, Octavian Pop, Marcela Pop si Marcela Zaplac, care au lucrat cu elevii la realizarea cartii de colorat si a jocului de carti si care au asigurat tehnoredactarea lor. D-na Daniela Buda a asigurat comunicarea cu partenerii si traducerea in limba engleza a materialelor pentru aceste publicatii.
Elevul Dan Cont, din clasa a 7-a A, a prezentat produsul in fata comisiei si a publicului care a venit sa ne sustina.
Indiferent de rezultatele selectiei pe care Inspectoratul o va face pentru participarea la etapa nationala, noi, elevi si profesori, consideram ca am castigat prin ceea ce am invatat si prin experientele extraordinare pe care le-am avut lucrand in echipa in cadrul proiectului. Ne-am dezvoltat deprinderile de munca in echipa, de comunicare in limbile romana si engleza, dar am si invatat cuvinte si expresii din limbile partenerilor nostri; ne-am imbunatatit deprinnerile de utilizare a mijloacelor TIC; am invatat multe lucruri despre traditiile si obiceiurile din tara noastra dar si din tarile partenerilor nostri, ne-am facut prieteni printre ei, etc.