This message comes in Romanian and English.
Din 2001 incoace, in fiecare an, pe data de 26 septembrie,
noi sarbatorim Ziua Europeana a Limbilor straine.
Si in acest an, in perioada 26-30 septembrie, elevii din
clasele 5B,6A, 7B, 8A si 8B de la Scoala cu cls. I-VIII "Vasile
Alecsandri" din Baia Mare, vor organiza activitati diverse pentru a
celebra acest eveniment, coordonati de profesorii lor Daniela Buda, profesor de
limba engleza, si Lucian Paul, profesor de geografie.
Sunt planificate doua tipuri de activitati: prezentare de
postere cu informatii despre tarile din Uniunea Europeana si limbile ce se
vorbesc in acele tari (clasele 5B si 8B); si un mini-concurs de cultura
generala despre cele 6 tari implicate in proiectul Comenius "Ethno
treasure hunt" (COM-10-PM-52-MM-RO): Romania , Polonia , Lithuania ,
Turcia, Italia si Bulgaria .
Concursul, la care vor participa elevii din clasele 6A, 7B si
8A, se bazeaza pe chestionarul realizat de partenerii din Polonia in cadrul
proiectului nostru si va verifica in ce masura elevii implicati in
si-au imbunatatit cunostintele de limba engleza si au invatat
cuvinte si expresii din limbile partenerilor nostri si elemente de cultura
generala din culturile partenerilor nostri.
D-na director Adina Cosma va prezida comisia de evaluare a
chestionarelor si va inmana elevilor diplomele de participare la concurs.
Noi consideram ca toti elevii participanti vor fi
castigatori, indiferent de punctajele obtinute la concurs, deoarece, si cu
aceasta ocazie, ei isi vor imbunatati cunostintele de cultura generala,
abilitatile lingvistice (atat in limba romana, cat si in limbi straine),
deprinderile de munca in echipa, precum si stima de sine, prin prezentarile
facute in fata colegilor si profesorilor lor. Astfel, cateva din obiectivele
proiectului nostru vor fi atinse si prin aceste activitati.
Vom reveni cu rezultatele concursului si cu imagini de la
English version:
Since 2001, each year on September 26, we celebrate the
European Day of Foreign Languages.
To follow this tradition, this year, too, during the week
26-30 September 2011, the students from the classes 5B, 6A, 7B, 8A and 8B from
Scoala cu cls. I-VIII "Vasile Alecsandri" from Baia Mare will
organize several activities to celebrate the occasion, coordinated by their
teachers: Daniela Buda, English teacher, and Lucian Paul, Geography teacher.
We have planned two types of activities: a display of posters
presenting information about some countries from the European Union and their
national languages (grades 5B and 8B), and a mini-contest about the cultures
and languages spoken in the six countries partners in our Comenius multilateral
project "Ethno treasure hunt": Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Turkey,
Italy and Bulgaria.
For the contest we will use the questionnaire made by our
Polish partners and we will be able to check how much our students have learnt
about our partners' countries and how much they have improved their linguistic
Mrs. Adina Cosma, our Principal, will be the President of the
contest commission and will hand in the diplomas to our students.
We believe that all our students who will participate in
these activities will benefit a lot, as they will improve their skills in using
their mother tongue and foreign languages, their teamwork skills, as well
as their self-esteem by presenting their projects and answers to the contest in
front of their peers and teachers. Thus, we will achieve, once again, some of
our project objectives.
We will be back with news and photos from our activities.
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