(Iata cateva impresii lasate de vizitatorii nostri la expozitia de diseminare a produselor proiectului, pe care am organizat-o la Muzeul de Etnografie si Arta Populara si Muzeul Satului din Baia Mare:)
We liked everything we saw here: they are extraordinary end products of the Ethno treasure hunt Comenius project. We can all see how much the project team has worked to realize all these products and the many superb activities. Congratulations to the teachers ans students involved in this project, who made these woderful products! Good luck with your next projects!
Ne-a placut tot ce am vazut aici: sunt produse extraordinare ale proiectului Comenius Ethno treasure hunt. Se vede ca echipa din proiectul Comenius a lucrat foarte mult si a realizat activitati superbe. felicitari cadrelor didactice si elevilor care au realizat aceste produse minunate! Succes la urmatoarele proiecte!)
Teachers: Maria Trif, Mirela Sandor, Magyarosi Laslo from Colegiul Tehnic "C.D. Nenitescu" Baia Mare
Thank you for the invitation to visit your exhibition. It has been a very interesting experience for us. It is a beautiful day and we enjoyed visiting the museum and your exhibition.
(Multumim pentru invitatia de a vizita expozitia voastra. A fost o experienta foarte interesanta pentru noi. E o zi frumoasa si ne-a placut si vizita la muzeu si expozitia voastra.)
Students from classes 10 B & C from Colegiul Tehnic "C.D. Nenitescu" Baia Mare
We liked the exhibition of the Comenius project "Ethno treasure hunt". It was set in a very nice place, within the Ethnographic and Village Museum. This setting reminds us of the project activities and the wonderful experiences we had during the documentary visits in Romania and the other partner countries: Poland, Turkey, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Italy.
(Ne-a placut expozitia proiectului Comenius "Ehno treasure hunt". A fost organizata intr-un cadru foarte placut, la Muzeul de etnografie si arta populara si Muzeul Satului. Acest loc imi aminteste de activitatile proiectului si experientele minunate pe care le-am avut in vizitele de documentare in Romania si in celelalte tari partenere: Polonia, Turcia, Lithuania, Bulgaria si Italia.)
Lucian Paul, teacher at Scoala cu cls. I-VIII "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare
I liked the exhibition very much. The studetns, who worked on this project, made very interesting things, coordinated by their teachers.
(Mi-a placut expozitia foarte mult. Elevii care au lucrat la acest proiect au facut niste lucruri interesante, coordonati de profesorii lor.)
Raluca Hora, student from Scoala cu cls. I-VIII "Vasile alecsandri" Baia Mare
We have come to the end of the project. It seems like yesterday when we were invited to join the project team. Now I can say that the end products are so many and so interesting, more than we have ever dreamt at the beginning of the project. This project has succeeded to bring us closer to all the participants, from our school and from the partner schools. We made good friends abroad. I had the opportunity to meet interesting people and learn about their traditions and customs. It was an extraordinary life experience for me.
(Ama ajuns si la acest moment ... finalul proiectului. Parca mai ieri eram anuntati ca trebuie sa ne inscriem, cei care dorim, in acest proiect. Rezultatele proiectului au fost chiar impresionante, depasindu-mi cu mult asteptarile personale. Acest proiect a reusit sa ne apropie de ceilalti participanti si am reusit sa descopar obiceiurile celorlalte nationalitati. Am ramas cu experiente placute si o adevarata lectie de viata.)
Bogdan Cernestean, student from Scoala cu cls.I-VIII "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare
This project is amazing. I am very impressed with the products and activities done within it during the 2 years, 2010-2012. The Museum, also is very interesting and well arranged.
(Acest proiect m-a uimit in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Muzeul a fost foarte fain aranjat.)
Madalina Timis, student at Scoala cu cls. I-VIII "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare
We had a very interesting experience working on this project. We like the exhibition and the Museum.
(Am avut o experienta foarte interesanta lucrand la acest proiect. Ne place expozitia si Muzeul.)
Radu Perta, student from Scoala cu cls. I-VIII "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare
This museum is the most beautiful I have ever seen till now. It makes us remember how people have evolved from the past till the present. We also liked the exhibition of the project Ethno treasure hunt. The materials show hard work and involvement of the project teams.
(Acest muzeu e cel mai frumos ce l-am vazut pana acum. Ne face sa ne reamintim cum au evoluat oamenii din trecut pana acum. Mi-a placut si expozitia proiectului Ethno treasure hunt. produsele arata multa munca si implicare din partea echipelor.)
Nicoleta Pasca-Chendrea, from Salaj, Romania
We like the Museum and this exhibition. We are here, in Baia Mare, for the contest "Talent in business"
Ne place muzeul si aceasta expozitie. Suntem in Baia Mare pentru concursul "Talent in negot".
Nicoleta, Emilia, Dina, Ligia
These things are very beautiful. The muuseum is also very beautiful. I would like to live in such a house.
(Aceste lucruri sunt foarte frumoase. Si Muzeul e farte frumos. Mi-ar place sa locuiesc intr-o casa de asta.)
Estera Avram
This museum is a very nice place and this exhibition is awsome.
(Acest muzeu este un loc foarte frumos si expozitia e superba.)
Merveilleuse exposition de travaux manuels decoratifs. Belles creations.
(Wonderful exhibition of decorative handiwork. Beautiful works.
Superba expozitie de arta decorativa. Foarte frumoase creatii.)
N. Nic Vendee, France
Malgre la chaleur nous avons apprecie la visite. Beaucoup des tres belles choses.
(In spite of the heat, we have appreciated the visit. Many very beautiful things here.
In ciuda caldurii, am apreciat visita. Multe obiecte foarte frumoase.)
C. Daudette, France
Muy bonito. Me gusta Rumania. Soy un Espanol. Viva Espana!
(Very nice. I like Romania. I am Spanish. Long live Spain!
Foarte frumos. Imi place Romania. Sunt spaniol. Traiasca Spania!)
Susana Arenas ha estado aqui, es muy bonito el Muzeul Satului de Baia Mare. Saludos de una espanola. Muak!!!
(Susana Arenas was here. The Village Museum is very nice. Greetings from Spain. Muak!!!
Susana Arenas a fost aici. Muzeul satului e foarte frumos. Salutari din Spania. Muak!!!)
We are very impressed with the interesting things we saw here. Thank you for the woderful views. Constanta (a city on the Black Sea coast) is greeting you and waiting for you at the seaside.
Familia Svet este placut impresionata de lucrurile pe care le-a vazut. Va multumim pentru privelistea minunata. Constanta va saluta si va asteapta la mare.
The Svet family from Constanta, Romania
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