December 1 is Romania ’s National Day, according to the Romanian Constitution since 1991.
Here is our National Anthem:
Here is our National Anthem:
On December 1, 1918, the National Assembly from Alba Iulia, in Transylvania, adopted a Resolution that decided the unification of all the Romanians from Transylvania, Banat (between the rivers Mureș, Tisa and the Danube), Romania (Moldavia and Wallachia), the historical regions inhabited by Romanians, and which had been divided by foreign empires (the Austro-Hungarian, the Russian and the Turkish).
One heart, one day, one country
Under this title, the students and teachers from Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Vasile Alecsandri Baia Mare, Romania , have celebrated the Romanian National Day.
Many activities have taken place in our school on November 30, as on tthe
1st of December will not go to school.
1st of December will not go to school.
In the school main hall there was an art exhibition with the drawings made
by the students from grades 6 A, 7 A and 8 A, coordinated by the Arts
teacher, prof. Octavian Pop.
by the students from grades 6 A, 7 A and 8 A, coordinated by the Arts
teacher, prof. Octavian Pop.
Mrs. Monica Griga, History teacher, organized with her 7th C grade students
a contest on the theme of the great unification from December 1918.
a contest on the theme of the great unification from December 1918.
Mrs. Adina Cosma, the school headmistress opened the axctivities
addressing the students to follow the expample of their forefathers in
respecting their country and culture.
addressing the students to follow the expample of their forefathers in
respecting their country and culture.
Mr. Nicolae Stănoiu, the History teacher, told the students a few facts about
the unification of the Romanian countries in 1918 and the meaning this event
has had for the Romanian people ever since.
the unification of the Romanian countries in 1918 and the meaning this event
has had for the Romanian people ever since.
There was also a short show with poetry and music, organized by prof.
Adrian Iercoşan and Elena Călincan şi Corina Cordea, who prepared the
students during the Theatre Optional course.
Adrian Iercoşan and Elena Călincan şi Corina Cordea, who prepared the
students during the Theatre Optional course.
The school choir and the students who recited poems were rewarded by the public with applause and tears of great emotion.
The school sports team has also been involved in activities dedicated to this event: they participated in a football championship, playing against the teams from Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr 18 şi Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Avram Iancu from Baia Mare. Our football players were coordinated by their sports teacher, Mr. Sandor Szkiba.
The audience, teachers, students and parents, were greatly impressed by the show and they all said in unison: “We want to unite with the country!”
Article translated into English by prof. Daniela Buda
1 Decembrie este Ziua Naţionala a României, potrivit Constitutiei din 1991.
La 1 Decembrie 1918, Adunarea Naţionala de la Alba Iulia a adoptat o Rezolutie care consfinteste unirea tuturor românilor din Transilvania si intreg Banatul (cuprins intre râurile Mures, Tisa si Dunare) cu România.
Iata si Imnul National.
Iata si Imnul National.
O inimă, o zi, o ţară
Sub acest generic s-au desfăşurat azi, 30 decembrie 2011 la Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Vasile Alecsandri Baia Mare manifestările dedicate Unirii. Acest moment important din viaţa neamului nostru a fost atent pregătit de dascălii şi elevii şcolii.
Doamna profesoară Monica Griga i-a implicat pe elevii clasei a VII-a C în organizarea unui concurs pe tema 1 Decembrie Ziua Unirii.Indrumaţi cu multă competenţă, ei au jalonat etapele Marii Uniri. In holul şcolii a fost amenajată o expoziţie de desene ,,Noi vrem să ne unim cu ţara!”.
Coordonaţi de domnul profesor Octavian Pop, elevii claselor a VIII-a A, a VI-a A şi a VII-a A au transpus în lucrările lor sentimentele înălţătoare de dragoste faţă de ţară şi de respect pentru înaintaşii care ne-au lăsat moştenire acest pământ sfânt numit România.
După intonarea imnului a urmat, lângă tricolor, o emoţionantă lecţie de istorie, spusă de un dascăl dăruit pe de-a-ntregul profesiei şi şcolii-Nicolae Stănoiu.
Corul şcolii coordonat de domnul profesor Adrian Iercoşan şi elevii din Cercul de teatru coordonaţi de doamnele profesoare Elena Călincan şi Corina Cordea au impresionat auditoriul prin prestaţia de înaltă calitate. Coriştii şi recitatorii au fost răsplătiţi cu aplauze, felicitări şi lacrimi încărcate de emoţie.
Nici sportivii şcolii nu au uitat semnificaţia acestei zile, organizând un meci de fotbal ,,Cupa 1 Decembrie 2011”. S-au ,,unit” pe teren echipele de fotbal ale claselor a IV-a de la şcoala noastră, de la Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr 18 şi Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Avram Iancu. Activitate a fost coordonată de domnul profesor Szkiba Sandor.
Intreaga asistenţă-elevi, părinţi, dascăli- şi-a reunit glasurile, spunând ,,Noi astăzi ne-am unit cu Ţara!”
Iata articolul din presa locala: Activitati scolare de 1 Decembrie
Prof. Elena Călincan şi Corina Cordea