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LLP Logo

Friday 3 December 2010

Description of the project

This Comenius school project is an ethno treasure hunt for the treasures that each country has regarding costumes and customs observed  at certain religious moments (e.g. Christmas,  Easter,  Ramadan, etc.) as well as at certain moments in a person's life (birth, wedding, burial) and compare them.
As 2010 is considered as the "European year for combating poverty and social exclusion", we will try use the information gathered to help those who are facing poverty and social exclusion increase their self esteem and  courage to face the world and succeed in life, by knowing that there are no big differences between them and people from other countries, regardless of  their skin color, language, religion, etc.
 We believe that being different is a good thing and it makes life more interesting.
We will organize intercultural activities, so that children and teachers, of different ethnicity and religions, can feel at home and valued. We will also involve Rroma children and teachers.
Our products and results will also be shared with higher education institutions, so that they become resources for teachers.
We will use English as means of communication, but we also want to learn or improve our use of other foreign languages (English, Romanian, Turkish, Polish, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Bulgarian and Italian.
As end products, we want to make a book/e-book containing the data collected about customs and traditions, published in English and the national languages of the partners; a dictionary of the cuisine terms; a blog and a website of the Project; art exhibitions; photo albums; a coloring book for children, containing the drawings of traditional costumes made by the pupils; a card game using the costumes of different countries; recordings on CDs/DVDs; project dissemination leaflets and Power Point Presentations.

European Coordinator:

Scoala cu cls. I-VIII “Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, Romania


Sarayköy Anadolu LisesiDenizliTurkey

Publiczne Gimnasjum Nr. 30 IM. Adama Mickiewcza W Lodzi, Lodz, Poland

Velzys Gymnasium, Panevezys, Lithuania

Istituto Comprensivo Santa Teresa di Riva, Santa Teresa di Riva, Italy

Sredno obstoobrazovatelno uciliste “Vasil Levski”,  Ruse, Bulgaria

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