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Sunday 20 November 2011

November 30 - St. Andrew Day

Sf. Andrei (St. Andrew) is the patron saint of Romania. He is the one who introduced Christianity in the former region of Scythia, where the Geto-Dacians lived, in the region between the Danube and the Black Sea, which is nowadays part of Romania.
Besides the religious meaning of this day, it is also known in the Romanian folklore as the day when many legends come to reality.
One of them says that on this day St. Andrew shares the food for winter with the wolves. On this day it is said that wolves can turn their heads to see behind them. It is a day when people don't work in their homesteads for fear that wolves may attack them or their cattle. If the master of the house does not work on this day, wolves cannot approach to attack his homestead and family. Sarbatoarea de Sf. Andrei

St. Andrew's night is also a very important night for whitchcraft. It is said that on this night unmarried young women can see the face of their future husband.
On this evening, the girls make a small cake made of flour, salt and fresh water. The water has to be brought from the water well in a clean cup and nobody should use that water before being used for that cake, and the flour and salt have to be taken from a fresh packet opened for this occasion. The cake is baked in the oven and the girl eats it before going to bed, without drinking any water. It is said that the image of her future husband will come in her dream to bring her water to drink.
Well, I can tell you I tried it once, a few years before I got married. But during the night I dreamt that I was quarreling with my dad and my brother because they did not want to give me some water to drink. It meant that I was not meant to marry the following year. :d  But I got married a few years later. :)) So all this may be true.
You can try it, too. :d

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