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Monday 23 June 2014

Customs and traditions of the Rroma people living in Romania

The article comes in Romanian and English

Incursiune Socio-Culturala in traditiile romilor

“Rrom” este un cuvant vechi din limba romani si inseamna “om”. Acest termen este folosit pentru a desemna apartenenta etnica a rromilor.
In limba rromanii cuvantul “tigan” nu exista. Numele de tigan provine din grecescul athinganoi tradus: de neatins, pagan. Numele provine de la denumirea unei secte din Bizant care practica izolationismul si cu care romii au fost confundati.
De asemene termenul “gypsy” provine de la  “egyptian”, o confuzie datorata fizionomiei asemanatoare cu cea a egiptenilor.
In tarile romane termenul “tigan” desemna o stare sociala, nicidecum etnia.
Limba rromani: pentru o lunga perioada de timp nu a fost scrisa dar a fost transmisa pe cale orala din generatie in generatie, a suferit modificari lingvistice datorita peregrinajului foarte vast al poporului rrom de-a lungul istoriei.
Identitatea formala : In anul 1971 a vut loc primul Congres International al Rromilor, in cadrul caruia au fost adoptate simbolurile internationale ale etniei rome.
Imnul “Gelem Gelem”, Ziua Internationala a Rromilor in data de 8 aprilie si steagul.
Sarbatori si obiceiuri la rromi: Pastele este sarbatoarea pe care rromii crestini o impartasesc si cu mortii. Cimitirul ete impodobit cu flori, iar in noaptea invierii rromii duc lumina de la biserica acasa-viilor si apoi la cimitir –mortilor.
Alte sarbatori importante pentru comunitatea rroma sunt : 23 aprile Sf.Gheorghe prilej de impacare a rromilor caldarari, 29 iunie Sf.Apostoli Petru si Pavel patronii spirituali ai lautarilor. 

Meseriile traditionale poporului rom sunt urmatoarele: 

Argintarii prelucrau bijuterii din aur si argint, erau renumiti pentru bijuteriile facute la curtile marilor imparati din Imperiul Bizantin si pentru bijuteriile in filigran.
Caldararii lucreaza in cupru si arama, produc caldari, cazane de tuica.
Caramidarii framanta lut si prelucreaza caramizile necesare constructiilor caselor.
Ursarii veniti din Balcani unde poposisera mai multa vreme, erau rromii care jucau ursul, ofereau spectacole ambulante de circ si dresaj al ursilor.
Gaborii confectioneaza jgheaburi si prelucreaza tabla pentru acoperisuri din zinc si aluminiu.
Spoitorii lipesc vase de bucatarie si colecteaza fier vechi.
Geambasii renumiti pentru cresterea si vanzarea cailor ,recunoscuti pentru puternicul simt al persuasiunii in negocieri.
Fierarii prlucreza fierul, fiind sedentari in majoritatea satelor romanesti.
Rudarii prelucreaza lemnul.
Lautarii cunoscuti pentru virtuozitatea si talentul in interpretare. 

Personalitati de etnie rroma :
actorul Charlie Chaplin
muzicianul Elvis Presley,
scriitorii Anton Pann, Ion Budai Deleanu,
muzicienii: Madalin Voicu, Faramita Lambru, Gheorghe Zamfir, Nelu Ploiesteanu, Maria Tanase, Maria Lataretu,
fotbalistul Nicolae Dobrin.
Autor : Bardai Vladimir, Asociatia Young Roma Maramures

Socio-Cultural attempt to present the traditions of the Rroma people
in Romania

“Rrom” is an ancient word in Rromani language and it means “man”. This word is used to show a person’s membership in a Rroma ethnic community.
In Rromani language the word “Tsigan” (Gypsy) does not exist. This word comes from the Greek “athinganos”, which means “untouchable, pagan”. This name comes from the name of a sect in Byzantium, who practiced the isolationism and whom the Rroma people were mistaken for.
The term “Gypsy” comes from the word “Egyptian”, another confusion due to the physiognomic resemblance with the Egyptians.
In the Romanian regions, along the history, the word “Tsigan” expressed a social status, not the ethnic group.
Rromani language: For a long period of time this language had no written form, it was transmitted from generation to generation only by word of mouth. It has suffered linguistic changes due to the Rroma people traveling from place to place along the history.
Formal identity: The first International Congress of the Rroma people was held in 1971. On this occasion, the international symbols of the Rroma ethnic group were adopted: their anthem “Gelem Gelem”, their flag and the International Day of the Rroma people on April 8.

Rroma traditions and celebrations
Easter is a celebration Rroma people share with their dead members of the family. The cemetery is decorated with flowers and on Easter night take the light from the church and bring it to their homes – for the living and to the cemetery – for the dead.
Other important holidays for the Rroma are: St. George, on the 23 rd of April, an opportunity for the reconciliation of the Rroma group called ”căldărari” (those who make tin pots), and the 29th of June, Sr Apostles Peter and Paul, the patron saints of the musician Rroma (lăutari).

Traditional Rroma occupations :
Argintarii (Silver jewelry makers) – they make silver jewelry. They have been famous for the filigree jewelry made for the emperors of the Byzantine Empire.
Căldărarii, who work in copper and copper plating, and who make big pots.
Cărămidarii, who mold the clay to make the bricks necessary for building houses.
Ursarii (the bear tamers), who came from the Balkans. They trained the bears to dance and offered circus shows wherever they traveled.
Gaborii, who make ditches for the houses roofs and process the zinc and aluminium metal sheets.
Spoitorii, who repair the broken pots and collect used metals.
Geambasii, famous for the breeding and commerce with horses. They are famous for their persuasion skills in negotiation.
Fierarii (Blacksmiths), the ones that process iron and who are known to settle down in the Romanian villages.
Rudarii, who process the wood.
Lăutarii, well known for their musical talents. 

Important Rroma representatives :
The actor Charlie Chaplin
The musician Elvis Presley
The writes: Anton Pann, Ion Budai Deleanu,
The musicians: Madalin Voicu, Faramita Lambru, Gheorghe , Zamfir, Nelu Ploiesteanu, Maria Tanase, Maria Lataretu,
The football player Nicolae Dobrin.

Author: Bardai Vladimir, Asociatia Young Roma Maramures
Translated into English by prof. Daniela Buda

Excerpt from “Customs and Traditions from Maramures, Romania”, Editie bilingva romano-engleza, carte electronica, Coordonator prof. Daniela Buda, Coperta prof. Octavian Pop, Editura Casei Corpului Didactic “Maria Montessori”, Baia Mare, 2012, ISBN 978-606-8262-41-5

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