The article
comes in Romanian and English
"In ziua de Ajunul
Bobotezei (5 ianuarie) fetele care se apropie de perioada formarii
unei familii, incearca
sa-si prevada viitorul si apeleaza la unele practici (obiceiuri).
Pentru a sti daca
viitorul sot va fi bogat sau nu, fetele fac un buchet din busuioc si crengute de brad, il
pun sa stea toata noaptea pe malul unei ape curgatoare in panta.
Daca dimineata buchetul
va fi plin cu turturi de gheata, viitorul sot va fi bogat, daca va
ramane tot asa cum l-au pus,
viitorul sot va fi mai sarac."
Material cules de
elevele Buda Ioana Mihaela si Sabou Madalina, cls. a III-a B,
prof. inv.primar
Maria Costea de la Pop Dochia, 78 ani, Lapus nr.552– August 2011
"In ziua de Ajunul
Bobotezei, fetele care vor sa se marite nu mananca toata ziua, iar
pentru seara isi pregatesc
un aluat din 2 parti faina alba, o parte sare, putina apa, fac o
turtita cu mana, o coc pe plita sobei
si o mananca stand pe suportul de taiat lemne. In timp ce mananca vor
fi atente la orice zgomot.
Daca aud latrat de caine, vor avea o viata ca de caine, daca vor auzi
voci de oameni, viata lor in
viitor va fi frumoasa.
Dupa ce au mancat
jumatate din turta, se vor duce la culcare fara sa bea apa. Cealalta jumatate o pun sub
perna. Dupa ce adorm, turta mancata fiind foarte sarata fetelor le e
sete si viseaza ca cineva le
aduce apa. Dormind cu grija, dimineata vor sti cine le-a adus apa si
persoana respectiva sau vreo
rudenie a ei se spune ca o sa-i fie viitorul partener."
Material cules de
elevele Cosa Denisa si Racolta Raisa, cls. a III-a B,
prof inv primar
Maria Costea de la Pasca Maria, 80 ani, Lapus nr.756- august 2011
Traditions from the region of Lapus, Maramures
"On the eve of the
Epiphany, (the 5th of January), the girls ready to be married try to foresee their future
and therefore try ritual practices to know their future husband.
For example, in
order to see if the husband-to-be will be rich or not, girls make a
bouquet of basilica with
branches of fir tree. They place the bouquet in a sloping position on
a small river bank and let it for
the night. If the bouquet has icicles in the morning, the future
husband will be rich, but if it
remains as it was placed, the future husband will be poor.
The girls wanting to
be married must not eat for all the day long. They prepare for the
night a dough made of two
parts of white flour, a part of salt and some water, and they bake on
the stove a flat cake they eat
staying on the wood clefting. The girls listen carefully to any kind
of noise while they eat. If they
hear a dog’s barking, they’ll have a dog’s life (a harsh one).
If they hear human voices, their future
life will be good. After eating half
of the flat cake, the girls must go to bed without drinking any
water. They place the other half
under the pillow. The flat cake being very salted, the girls will be
thirsty and they dream that
someone brings them a cup of water. They must watch out of that
because it is said
that him or one of his/her relatives will be the future husband."
prof. inv. primar
Maria Costea, clasa a III-a B,
Scoala cu clasele
I-VIII “Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare
Students: Coconet
Denis, Mociran Mihai, Dragos Razvan si Susa Ionut din clasa a III-a
B, inv. Maria Costea
Translated into
English by prof. Ioana Osian
Excerpt from
“Customs and Traditions from Maramures, Romania”, Editie bilingva
romano-engleza, carte electronica, Coordonator prof. Daniela Buda,
Coperta prof. Octavian Pop, Editura Casei Corpului Didactic “Maria
Montessori”, Baia Mare, 2012, ISBN 978-606-8262-41-5
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